Pompilus albifrons Dalman, 1823:97 - Van der Linden, 1827Van der Linden, P.L. 1827. Observations sur les Hyménoptères d'Europe de la famille de Fouisseurs, première partie. Scoliètes, Sapygides, Pompiliens et Sphégides. Nouvelles Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres de Bruxelles 4:271-367.:335 (listed); Dahlbom, 1842Dahlbom, A.G. 1842. Dispositio Methodica Specierum Scandinavicarum ad Familias Naturales Hymenopterorum pertinentium. Part I. Sphex in sensu Linnaeano. :16 pp 1 pl.:10 (listed); Smith, 1855Smith, F. 1855. Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part III, Mutillidae and Pompilidae. :203 pp, 5 pl.:131 (listed); Dalla Torre, 1897Dalla Torre, C.G. 1897. Catalogus hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Volumen VIII: Fossores (Sphegidae). Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig. 1-749.:196 ( listed as synonym of Pseudagenia agitata (Smith, 1860)); Haupt, 1926Haupt, H. 1926. Monographie der Psammocharidae (Pompilidae) von Mittel-, Nord- und Osteuropa. Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr. 1926-27 (Beiheft):1-160.:144 (listed); Wolf, 1965Wolf, H. 1965. Systematisches Verzeichnis der Wegwespen (Hym. Pompiloidea) Mittel- und Nordeuropas. Nachr. naturw. Mus. Aschaffenb. 72:1-38.:17 (listed); Wahis, 1986Wahis, R. 1986. Catalogue Systematique et Codage des Hyménoptères Pompilides de la Region Ouest-Européenne. Not. faun. Gembloux 12:3-91.:15 (listed). - As Agenia albifrons: - Dahlbom, 1845Dahlbom, A.G. 1845. Hymenoptera Europaea Praecipue Borealia-per familias, genera, species et varietates disposita atque descripta. Sphex Linn. Fasciculus III.: Crabronidarum continuatio et finis, Supplementum I. 353-528. (distribution), 455 (listed); Eversmann, 1849Eversmann, E. 1849. Fauna Hymenopterologica Volgo-Uralensis. Izv. Mosk. ent. Obshch. (Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosk.) 22:359-436. (distribution), 380 (listed); Thomson, 1870Thomson, C.G. 1870. XIII. Öfversigt af Sveriges Rofsteklar. In: Opuscula entomologica. Fasciculus Secundus. :202-251. (distribution), 226 (listed); Thomson, 1874Thomson, C.G. 1874. . Lunde. 295 pp. (distribution), 162 (listed); Kohl, 1883Kohl, F.F. 1883. Die Fossorien der Schweiz. Mitt. Schweizer ent. Ges. 6:662-684. (, distribution), 676 (listed); Kohl, 1888Kohl, F.F. 1888. Zur Hymenopteren-Fauna Tirols. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 38:719-734.:730 (listed); Haupt, 1926Haupt, H. 1926. Monographie der Psammocharidae (Pompilidae) von Mittel-, Nord- und Osteuropa. Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr. 1926-27 (Beiheft):1-160.:144 (listed). - As Auplopus albifrons: - Beaumont, 1958Beaumont, J. 1958. Les Hyménoptères Aculéates du parc national suisse et des régions limitrophes. In: Erg. wiss. Untersuch. schweiz. Nationalparks. :147-235. (distribution); Wolf, 1958Wolf, H. 1958. Bemerkungen zu einigen Wegwespenarten (Hym. Pompilidae). Mitt. Dt. ent. Ges. 17:68-72.:70 (listed); Haupt, 1959Haupt, H. 1959. Elemente einer systematischen Aufteilung der Macromerinae m. (Hymenoptera-Sphecoidae). Fam. Pompilidae, Subfam. Macromerinae). Nova Acta Leopoldina 21:1-74.:42 (key female, key male); Wolf, 1959Wolf, H. 1959. Wegwespen (Hym. Pompiloidea) des Zoologischen Instituts der Universität Lund. Opusc. ent. 24:156-164. (distribution); Haupt, 1962Haupt, H. 1962. The Pompilidae of Israel. Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel 11B:1-70.:17 (key and fauna); Priesner, 1962Priesner, H. 1962. Pompilidae (Hymenoptera) aus der Sammlung des Entomologischen Institutes der Univerität Bologna. Boll. Ist. Ent. Univ. Bologna 26:43-54. (distribution); Wahis, 1963Wahis, R. 1963. Hyménoptères Pompilides de Yougoslavie (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Fragmenta Balcanica 4 (25):191-195. (distribution); Priesner, 1966Priesner, H. 1966. Studien zur Taxonomie und Faunistik der Pompiliden Österreichs Teil 1. Naturk. Jb. Stadt Linz 74:187-208. (distribution); Scobiola-Palade, 1973Scobiola-Palade, X. 1973. Catalogue des espèces de la famille Pompilidae da la collection de hyménoptères du Musée d'Histoire Naturele 'Gr. Antipa', Bucuresti. Trav. Mus. Hist. nat. Gr. Antipa 13:227-251. (distribution); Wahis, 1986Wahis, R. 1986. Catalogue Systematique et Codage des Hyménoptères Pompilides de la Region Ouest-Européenne. Not. faun. Gembloux 12:3-91.:15 (listed); Wahis, 1987Wahis, R. 1987. Pompilides de la Corse. Sphecos 15:6-8. (distribution); Wahis & Schneider, 1989Wahis, R. & N. Schneider 1989. Matériaux pour un catalogue des Pompilides du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae). Bull. Soc. Nat. luxemb. 89:45-52. (distribution); Wolf, 1993Wolf, H. 1993. Katalog der österreichischen Wegwespen (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Pompiloidea). Linzer Biologische Beiträge 25:993-1011. (distribution, fauna); Wahis & Terzo, 1996Wahis, R. & M. Terzo 1996. Contributions à la connaissance des Pompilides d'Italie. Récoltes de M. Michael Terzo en Sicilia et Latina, en juillet 1993. Bull. Annls Soc. r. belge Ent. 132:205-221. (distribution), 211 (fauna); Wahis, 1997Wahis, R. 1997. Pompilides de l'Archipel maltais (Hymenoptera: Aculeata, Pompilidae). Entomofauna 18:101-112. (distribution), 103 (fauna); Wahis, 1997Wahis, R. 1997. Pompilides et bacs à eau jaunes (Hymenoptera Pompilidea). Bull. Annls Soc. r. belge Ent. 133:505-508. (distribution); Wahis, 1998Wahis, R. 1998. Contribution à la connaissance des Hyménoptères Pompilides de la Turquie (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Bull. Annls Soc. r. belge Ent. 134:147-158. (distribution, fauna); Wahis, 1998Wahis, R. 1998. Sur les Pompilides de l'Archipes maltais - Supplément (Hymenoptera: Aculeata, Pompilidae). Entomofauna 19:333-336. (distribution); Wolf, 1999Wolf, H. 1999. Wegwespen in Deutschland, ihre Häufigkeit, das Geschlechterverhältnis und das letztmalige Vorkommen der Rote-Liste-Arten in den Bundesländern (Hymenoptera: Pomilidae). Mitt. int. ent. Ver. 24:149-173. (distribution); Oehlke et al., 2001Oehlke, J., J. van der Smissen & H. Wolf 2001. Pompilidae. In: Dathe, H., A. Taeger & S.M. Blank (Ed.). Verzeichnis der Hautflügler Deutschlands (Entomofauna Germanica, Band 4). 133-136. (distribution), 134 (distribution); Wahis, 2005Wahis, R. 2005. Datenbank Europa der Pompilidae. :. (listed); Straka, 2007Straka, J. 2007. Vespoidea: Pompilidae. In: Bogusch, P., J. Straka & P. Kment (Ed.). Annotated checklist of the Aculeata (Hymenoptera) of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. 111-132. (distribution); Wahis, 2007Wahis, R. 2007. Pompilides de la Corse (Hymenoptera aculeata : Pompilidae). Notes fauniques de Gembloux 60 (2):67-88. (distribution); Wiśniowski, 2009Wiśniowski, B. 2009. Spider-hunting wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) of Poland. Diversity, identification, distribution. Ojców: Ojców National Park, 432 pp. (distribution); Yildirim & Wahis, 2011Yildirim, E. & R. Wahis 2011. The distribution and biogeography of Pompilidae in Turkey (Hymenoptera: Aculeata). Entomologie Faunistique 63 (1):23-34. (distribution); Ghahari et al., 2014Ghahari, H., Gadallah, N.S. & Wahis, R. 2014. An Annotated catalogue of the Iranian Pompilidae (Hymenoptera: Vespoidea). Entomologie Faunistique 67:221-242. (distribution); Koçak & Kemal, 2015Koçak, A.Ö. & M. Kemal 2015. Hymenoptera of Turkey. Priamus (Suppl.) 38:1-393. (distribution); Yildirim & Lelej, 2016Yildirim, E. & A.S. Lelej 2016. The current knowledge of the Pompilidae and Mutillidae (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) fauna of Turkey. J. Ent. Res. Soc. 18 (1):57-74. (distribution); Loktionov & Lelej, 2017Loktionov, V.M. & Lelej, A.S. 2017. An annotated catalogue of the spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) of Russia. Zootaxa 4280:1-95. (distribution); Loktionov & Lelej, 2017Loktionov, V.M. & A.S. Lelej 2017. Family Pompilidae. In: Belokobylskij, S.A. & A.S. Lelej (Ed.). Annotated catalogue of the Hymenoptera of Russia. Volume I. Symphyta and Apocrita: Aculeata. 160-174. (distribution); Enayatnia et al., 2018Enayatnia, M., E. Rakhshani, A.S. Kroupa & C. Schmid-Egger 2018. Updated catalogue of Pompilidae (Hymenoptera) in Iran. Zootaxa 4394 (4):451-489. (distribution); Preiml, 2018Preiml, S. 2018. Die Wegwespen Kärntens (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae). Carinthia II 208:487-502. (distribution); Zettel et al., 2018Zettel, H., E. Ockermüller & H. Wiesbauer 2018. Die Hautflüglerfauna (Hymenoptera) des Lainzer Tiergartens in Wien: 2. Wegwespen (Pompilidae). Entomologica Austriaca 25:51-66. (distribution), 57 (biology, prey); Kumpanenko, 2018Kumpanenko, A.S. 2018. Fauna of the spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) of the Kaniv Nature Reserve and the park ‘Theophania’. The Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette 26 (1):50-54. (distribution); Baldock et al., 2020Baldock, D., L. Castro, I. Cross, C. Schmid-Egger, J. Smit & T.J. Wood 2020. The Vespiform Wasps of Portugal (Hymenoptera: Scolioidea, Tiphioidea, Pompiloidea & Vespoidea). Monografías S.E.A. 14:1-73. (distribution); Madl et al., 2021Madl, M., E. Ockermüller & H. Zettel 2021. Aktualisierter Katalog der Pompilidae (Hymenoptera, Vespoidea) Österreichs. Linzer Biologische Beiträge 53 (2):811-900. (distribution); Durand, 2021Durand, F. 2021. Pompilidae du Puy-de-Dôme bilan de 13 années de prospections aléatoires (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae). Arvernsis 93-94:1-24. (distribution); Fernández et al., 2022Fernández, F., J. Rodriguez, C. Waichert, B. Decker & J. Pitts 2022. Twenty two years later: An updated checklist of Neotropical spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Zootaxa 5116 (4):451-503. (distribution). - As Auplopus albifrons albifrons: - Wolf, 1965Wolf, H. 1965. Systematisches Verzeichnis der Wegwespen (Hym. Pompiloidea) Mittel- und Nordeuropas. Nachr. naturw. Mus. Aschaffenb. 72:1-38. (distribution); Wolf, 1967Wolf, H. 1967. Wegwespen (Hym. Pompiloidea) Finnlands. Acta ent. fenn. 23:7-46. (distribution), 23 (distribution); Priesner, 1967Priesner, H. 1967. Studien zur Taxonomie und Faunistik der Pompiliden Österreichs Teil II. Naturk. Jb. Stadt Linz 75:123-140.:135 (key female), 137 (key male); Wolf, 1969Wolf, H. 1969. Bemerkungen über schwedische Wegwespen (Hym. Pompiloidea). Opusc. ent. 34:2-27. (distribution); Wolf, 1969Wolf, H. 1969. Catalogus Insectorum Sueciae. Hymenoptera: Pompiloidea. Opusc. ent. 34:12-16. (distribution); Wahis, 1970Wahis, R. 1970. Nouvelle contribution a la connaissance des Hyménoptères Pompilides de la Yougoslavie (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Bulletin des recherches agronomiques de Gembloux 5 (3-4):709-744. (distribution); Wolf, 1970Wolf, H. 1970. Wegwespen aus dem Museo Civico di Storia Naturale in Mailand (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae). Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civile di Storia Naturale. Milano 110 (4):391-417. (distribution); Wahis, 1971Wahis, R. 1971. Hyménoptères Pompilides des Collections Cavro et Doublet (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae). Bulletin des recherches agronomiques de Gembloux 6 (3-4):597-610. (distribution); Wolf, 1971Wolf, H. 1971. Prodromus der Hymenoptera der Tschechoslowakai. Pars 10: Pompiliodea. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 14:3-79. (distribution), 29 (biology, distribution); Wolf, 1972Wolf, H. 1972. Hymenoptera: Pompilidae. Insecta Helvetica, Fauna 5:1-176. (distribution), 76 (key female), 78 (distribution, key male, listed); Pagliano, 1978Pagliano, G. 1978. Fauna imenotterologica delle Langhe (Nota faunistica I-Pompilidae). Boll. Gruppo Ent. Piemont. Cai uget. 1:31-41. (distribution); Perraudin & Wolf, 1978Perraudin, W. & H. Wolf 1978. Pompilides de Corse. In: Monogr. Chrysidides de Corse: Bull. Soc. Sci. hist. nat. Corse 626:69-81. (distribution); Oehlke & Wolf, 1987Oehlke, J. & H. Wolf 1987. Beiträge zur Insekten-Fauna der DDR: Hymenoptera - Pompilidae. Beitr. Ent. Berlin 37 (2):279-390. (distribution), 343 (listed); Pagliano, 1995Pagliano, G. 1995. Hymenoptera Pompilidae. In: Minelli A., Ruffo S. & La Posta S. (Ed.). Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana. 1-7. (distribution); Özbek et al., 1999Özbek, H., E.Yildirim, H. Wolf & R. Wahis 1999. The Pompilidae (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) fauna of Turkey. Part I: Ceropalinae and Pepsinae. Zool. Middle East 18:91-105. (distribution), 94 (fauna); Ljubomirov, 2006Ljubomirov, T. 2006. A survey of the faunistic investigations on the Hymenopteran families Siricidae, Orussidae, Stephanidae, Chrysididae, Bethylidae, Sapygidae, Scoliidae, Tiphiidae, Mutillidae, Pompilidae, Sphecidae, and Crabronidae from the Western Rhodopes – Bulgaria and Greece (Insecta: Hymenoptera). In: Beron, P. (Ed.). Biodiversity of Western Rhodopes (Bulgaria and Greece). I. 527-545. (distribution); Wolf et al., 2009Wolf, H., Sorg, M., Stenmans, W. & H. Schwan 2009. Wegwespen (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae) der westlichen Paläarktis bearbeitet von Heinrich Wolf 1948 - 2008. Mitteilungen aus dem Entomologischen Verein Krefeld 3:1-395.:155 (distribution, listed). - As Pompilus albifrons albifrons: - Oehlke & Wolf, 1987Oehlke, J. & H. Wolf 1987. Beiträge zur Insekten-Fauna der DDR: Hymenoptera - Pompilidae. Beitr. Ent. Berlin 37 (2):279-390. (distribution), 343 (listed). - As Priocnemis albifrons: - Haupt, 1926Haupt, H. 1926. Monographie der Psammocharidae (Pompilidae) von Mittel-, Nord- und Osteuropa. Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr. 1926-27 (Beiheft):1-160.:144 (listed); Junco y Reyes, 1946Junco y Reyes, J.J. 1946. Himenópteros de Espana. Fam. Psammocharidae (Olim. Pompilidae). I. Pepsinae. II. Gen. Priocnemis Schdte. EOS Revista Española de Entomologia 22:123-298.:132 (listed). - As Pseudagenia albifrons: - ?, ? . ?. :. (distribution); Costa, 1887Costa, A. 1887. Prospetto degli Imenotteri italiani, da servire di Prodromo di Imenotterologia italiana. Parte Seconda. Pompilidei - Dolicuridei - Scoliidei - Sapigidei - Tifiidei e Mutillidei. :.:86 (listed), 88 (key); Kohl, 1888Kohl, F.F. 1888. Zur Hymenopteren-Fauna Tirols. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 38:719-734. (distribution), 730 (listed); De-Stefani, 1889De-Stefani, T. 1889. Miscellanea Imenotterologica Sicula. Il Naturalista siciliano 8 (7):175-180. (distribution); Morawitz, 1893Morawitz, F. 1893. Catalog der von D. Glasunov in Turkestan gesammelten Hymenoptera fossoria. Trudy Russkago entomologicheskago Obshchestva. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae 27:391-428. (distribution), 404 (listed); Krieger, 1894Krieger, R. 1894. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Hymenopterenfauna des Königreichs Sachsen. Jahresbericht des Nikolaigymnasiums in Leipzig 1893/1894:1-50. (distribution); Ferton, 1897Ferton, C. 1897. Nouvelles observations sur l'instinct des pompilides (Hyménoptères). Actes de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux 52:101-132.:127 (biology); Saunders, 1904Saunders, E. 1904. Hymenoptera Aculeata from Majorca (1901) and Spain (1901-2). Transactions of the Entomological Society of London III:591-665. (distribution); Aurivillius, 1907Aurivillius, C. 1907. Svensk insektfauna. 13. Hymenoptera. Aculeata. Pompilidae. Ent. Tidskr. 28:1-30. (distribution), 29 (listed); Kohl, 1912Kohl, F.F. 1912. Über einige seltene Hymenopteren aus Tirol. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 62:57-63. (distribution); Berland, 1925Berland, L. 1925. Hyménoptères vespiformes. I. (Sphegidae, Pompilidae, Scoliidae, Sapygidae, Mutillidae). Paul Lechevalier, Paris. 364 pp. (distribution); Haupt, 1926Haupt, H. 1926. Monographie der Psammocharidae (Pompilidae) von Mittel-, Nord- und Osteuropa. Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr. 1926-27 (Beiheft):1-160.:141 (key female, key male), 144 (listed), 145 (description female, description male, distribution); Nordström & Forsius, 1928Nordström, A. & R. Forsius 1928. Über die Psammocharidae (Pompilidae) Finlands. Notulae Entomologicae 8:1-13. (distribution); Guiglia, 1941Guiglia, D. 1941. Il Priocnemis faillae de Stef. e la sua giusta posizione sistematica (Hymen. Pompilidae). Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 73:13-15.:13 (discussion); Blüthgen, 1944Blüthgen, P. 1944. Zur Kenntnis der Wegwespen - Fauna Nordthüringens (Hym. Pompilidae). Mitteilungen aus der Entomologischen Gesellschaft zu Halle (Saale) 20:. (distribution); Junco y Reyes, 1951Junco y Reyes, J.J. 1951. Himenópteros de Espana. Fam. Psammocharidae (Olim. Pompilidae). II. Claveliinae, Calicurgini. EOS Revista Española de Entomologia 27 (2):143-233.:195 (listed); Beaumont, 1951Beaumont, J. 1951. Hyménoptères des environs de Neuchâtel. Bulletin de la Société Neuchâteloise des Sciences Naturelles 74:29-39. (distribution); Wahis, 2005Wahis, R. 2005. Datenbank Europa der Pompilidae. :. (listed).
Pompilus hyalipennis Dahlbom, 1829:5, ♂. ♂, Svecia. - Dahlbom, 1842Dahlbom, A.G. 1842. Dispositio Methodica Specierum Scandinavicarum ad Familias Naturales Hymenopterorum pertinentium. Part I. Sphex in sensu Linnaeano. :16 pp 1 pl.:10 ( listed as synonym of Pompilus albifrons Dalman, 1823); Dalla Torre, 1897Dalla Torre, C.G. 1897. Catalogus hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Volumen VIII: Fossores (Sphegidae). Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig. 1-749.:196 ( listed as synonym of Pseudagenia albifrons (Dalman, 1823)); Haupt, 1926Haupt, H. 1926. Monographie der Psammocharidae (Pompilidae) von Mittel-, Nord- und Osteuropa. Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr. 1926-27 (Beiheft):1-160.:144 ( listed as synonym of Pseudagenia albifrons (Dalman, 1823)). - As Agenia hyalipennis: - Kohl, 1885Kohl, F.F. 1885. Zur Synonymie der Hymenoptera aculeata. Ent. Nachr. 11:162-165.:164 ( listed as synonym of Pseudagenia albifrons (Dalman, 1823)); Haupt, 1926Haupt, H. 1926. Monographie der Psammocharidae (Pompilidae) von Mittel-, Nord- und Osteuropa. Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr. 1926-27 (Beiheft):1-160.:144 ( listed as synonym of Pseudagenia albifrons (Dalman, 1823)).
Agenia fallax Eversmann, 1849:380,Cepi in prov. Orenburg; Lelej et al., 2016Lelej, A.S., V.M. Loktionov & P. Rosa 2016. The types of Pompilidae (Hymenoptera), described by Eduard Eversmann in the Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. Far Eastern Entomologist 319:1-14.:3, Holotype (probably in Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany); Lelej et al., 2016Lelej, A.S., V.M. Loktionov & P. Rosa 2016. The types of Pompilidae (Hymenoptera), described by Eduard Eversmann in the Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. Far Eastern Entomologist 319:1-14.:3, Syntypes (Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia); Loktionov & Lelej, 2017Loktionov, V.M. & Lelej, A.S. 2017. An annotated catalogue of the spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) of Russia. Zootaxa 4280:1-95.:28, Holotype or syntypes probably in MNHU. - Kohl, 1885Kohl, F.F. 1885. Zur Synonymie der Hymenoptera aculeata. Ent. Nachr. 11:162-165.:164 ( listed as synonym of Pseudagenia albifrons (Dalman, 1823)); Radoszkowski, 1888Radoszkowski, O. 1888. Révision des armures copulatrices des mâles de la famille Pompilidae. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou 2:462-493. (distribution), 468 (description male, listed); Dalla Torre, 1897Dalla Torre, C.G. 1897. Catalogus hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Volumen VIII: Fossores (Sphegidae). Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig. 1-749.:197 ( listed as synonym of Pseudagenia albifrons (Dalman, 1823)); Haupt, 1926Haupt, H. 1926. Monographie der Psammocharidae (Pompilidae) von Mittel-, Nord- und Osteuropa. Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr. 1926-27 (Beiheft):1-160.:144 ( listed as synonym of Pseudagenia albifrons (Dalman, 1823)); Lelej et al., 2016Lelej, A.S., V.M. Loktionov & P. Rosa 2016. The types of Pompilidae (Hymenoptera), described by Eduard Eversmann in the Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. Far Eastern Entomologist 319:1-14.:3 ( listed as synonym of Pompilus albifrons Dalman, 1823); Loktionov & Lelej, 2017Loktionov, V.M. & Lelej, A.S. 2017. An annotated catalogue of the spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) of Russia. Zootaxa 4280:1-95.:28 ( listed as synonym of Auplopus albifrons (Dalman, 1823)); Loktionov & Lelej, 2017Loktionov, V.M. & A.S. Lelej 2017. Family Pompilidae. In: Belokobylskij, S.A. & A.S. Lelej (Ed.). Annotated catalogue of the Hymenoptera of Russia. Volume I. Symphyta and Apocrita: Aculeata. 160-174.:165 ( listed as synonym of Auplopus albifrons (Dalman, 1823)).
Auplopus temporalis Haupt, 1959:42 (key), Holotype ♂, Italien: Toscana (Haupt). - Haupt, 1959Haupt, H. 1959. Elemente einer systematischen Aufteilung der Macromerinae m. (Hymenoptera-Sphecoidae). Fam. Pompilidae, Subfam. Macromerinae). Nova Acta Leopoldina 21:1-74.:42 (key male); Haupt, 1962Haupt, H. 1962. The Pompilidae of Israel. Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel 11B:1-70. (distribution); Wahis, 1986Wahis, R. 1986. Catalogue Systematique et Codage des Hyménoptères Pompilides de la Region Ouest-Européenne. Not. faun. Gembloux 12:3-91.:15 ( listed as synonym of Auplopus albifrons (Dalman, 1823)); Wahis, 2005Wahis, R. 2005. Datenbank Europa der Pompilidae. :. ( listed as synonym of Auplopus albifrons (Dalman, 1823)).
Auplopus temporalis Haupt, 1962:18 (key), ♂. Holotype ♂, Toscany (Haupt). - Wolf, 1970Wolf, H. 1970. Über einige von Haupt beschriebene oder benannte Wegwespen (Hym. Pompilidae). NachrBl. bayer. Ent. 19:61-74.:63 (listed). - As Auplopus albifrons temporalis: - Priesner, 1967Priesner, H. 1967. Studien zur Taxonomie und Faunistik der Pompiliden Österreichs Teil II. Naturk. Jb. Stadt Linz 75:123-140.:137 (key male).
Auplopus albifrons obscurus Priesner, 1967:128. - Priesner, 1967Priesner, H. 1967. Studien zur Taxonomie und Faunistik der Pompiliden Österreichs Teil II. Naturk. Jb. Stadt Linz 75:123-140.:137 (key male); Wolf, 1970Wolf, H. 1970. Wegwespen aus dem Museo Civico di Storia Naturale in Mailand (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae). Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civile di Storia Naturale. Milano 110 (4):391-417. (distribution); Wahis, 1971Wahis, R. 1971. Hyménoptères Pompilides des Collections Cavro et Doublet (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae). Bulletin des recherches agronomiques de Gembloux 6 (3-4):597-610. (distribution); Wolf, 1972Wolf, H. 1972. Hymenoptera: Pompilidae. Insecta Helvetica, Fauna 5:1-176. (distribution), 76 (key female), 78 (distribution, key male, listed); Pagliano, 1978Pagliano, G. 1978. Fauna imenotterologica delle Langhe (Nota faunistica I-Pompilidae). Boll. Gruppo Ent. Piemont. Cai uget. 1:31-41. (distribution); Wahis, 1986Wahis, R. 1986. Catalogue Systematique et Codage des Hyménoptères Pompilides de la Region Ouest-Européenne. Not. faun. Gembloux 12:3-91.:15 ( listed as synonym of Auplopus albifrons (Dalman, 1823)); Pagliano, 1995Pagliano, G. 1995. Hymenoptera Pompilidae. In: Minelli A., Ruffo S. & La Posta S. (Ed.). Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana. 1-7. (distribution); Özbek et al., 1999Özbek, H., E.Yildirim, H. Wolf & R. Wahis 1999. The Pompilidae (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) fauna of Turkey. Part I: Ceropalinae and Pepsinae. Zool. Middle East 18:91-105. (distribution), 94 (fauna); Wahis, 2005Wahis, R. 2005. Datenbank Europa der Pompilidae. :. ( listed as synonym of Auplopus albifrons (Dalman, 1823)); Wolf et al., 2009Wolf, H., Sorg, M., Stenmans, W. & H. Schwan 2009. Wegwespen (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae) der westlichen Paläarktis bearbeitet von Heinrich Wolf 1948 - 2008. Mitteilungen aus dem Entomologischen Verein Krefeld 3:1-395.:157 (distribution, listed); Yildirim & Wahis, 2011Yildirim, E. & R. Wahis 2011. Contribution to the knowledge of the Pompilidae (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) fauna of Turkey with the checklist of species. Turk. J. Zool. 35 (5):677-688. (distribution), 683 (listed).
Auplopus albifrons crassus Priesner, 1967:128. - Priesner, 1966Priesner, H. 1966. Studien zur Taxonomie und Faunistik der Pompiliden Österreichs Teil 1. Naturk. Jb. Stadt Linz 74:187-208. (distribution); Priesner, 1967Priesner, H. 1967. Studien zur Taxonomie und Faunistik der Pompiliden Österreichs Teil II. Naturk. Jb. Stadt Linz 75:123-140.:135 (key female), 136 (key male); Wolf, 1970Wolf, H. 1970. Wegwespen aus dem Museo Civico di Storia Naturale in Mailand (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae). Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civile di Storia Naturale. Milano 110 (4):391-417. (distribution); Wolf, 1972Wolf, H. 1972. Hymenoptera: Pompilidae. Insecta Helvetica, Fauna 5:1-176. (distribution), 76 (key female), 78 (key male), 79 (distribution, listed); Wahis, 1986Wahis, R. 1986. Catalogue Systematique et Codage des Hyménoptères Pompilides de la Region Ouest-Européenne. Not. faun. Gembloux 12:3-91.:15 ( listed as synonym of Auplopus albifrons (Dalman, 1823)); Wahis, 2005Wahis, R. 2005. Datenbank Europa der Pompilidae. :. ( listed as synonym of Auplopus albifrons (Dalman, 1823)); Wolf et al., 2009Wolf, H., Sorg, M., Stenmans, W. & H. Schwan 2009. Wegwespen (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae) der westlichen Paläarktis bearbeitet von Heinrich Wolf 1948 - 2008. Mitteilungen aus dem Entomologischen Verein Krefeld 3:1-395.:157 (distribution, listed).